An original animated short film about a Thief from a dull gray CITY discovering new worlds full of color.
Directed by Harry Shapiro
Lead Animation - Alex Oviatt
Animation Cleanup - Maya McCormac
Background Art - Elizabeth "Wolfie" Currier
Compositing and VFX - Tommy "Homer" Bonner
Producer and Sound Design - Steven Dennis Inman
Music - Mathew Allen Executive
Producer - Jeff Gustafson
This was created by a team of students from Colorado Mesa University, including myself as the Director and storyboard artist. This short was created from pitch to finished film over only one semester. I'm very proud of the work we did, and my wonderful friends, teammates, and classmates I had the pleasure of working alongside.
Lead Animation - Alex Oviatt
Animation Cleanup - Maya McCormac
Background Art - Elizabeth "Wolfie" Currier
Compositing and VFX - Tommy "Homer" Bonner
Producer and Sound Design - Steven Dennis Inman
Music - Mathew Allen Executive
Producer - Jeff Gustafson
This was created by a team of students from Colorado Mesa University, including myself as the Director and storyboard artist. This short was created from pitch to finished film over only one semester. I'm very proud of the work we did, and my wonderful friends, teammates, and classmates I had the pleasure of working alongside.